Staples are difficult to install without the benefit of a tool. Experienced ranchers may use pliers to hold fencing staples and professional electricians can use power tools in many situations, but there’s a better way. The Set Tool solves problems - for all common sizes of both fencing and electrical (NM) staples.

Fencing Staples

  • 3/4” Poultry Staples (14 ga)

  • 1-1/4” Fencing Staples (9 ga)

  • 1-1/2” Fencing Staples (8 ga)


NM Staples

  • 1/2” Staple (14/2, 12/2, and 10/2 NM)

  • 9/16” Staple (14/3, 12/3, and 10/3 NM)